Changyi Lin

I am a first-year PhD student at CMU Safe AI Lab, advised by Prof. Ding Zhao. Previously, I was a research assistant at Tsinghua Embodied AI Lab, where I gained my initial exposure to research under the guidance of Prof. Huazhe Xu. I obtained my bachelor degree in ME&CS from Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST).

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I'm generally interested in the intersection of robotics, tactile sensing, computer vision, and machine learning. My goal is to develop robotic systems that can comprehensively perceive and interact with the physical world.

DTactive: A Vision-Based Tactile Sensor with Active Surface
Jikai Xu*, Lei Wu*, Changyi Lin, Ding Zhao, and Huazhe Xu
Under Review
paper | website | hardware | X
Agile Continuous Jumping in Discontinuous Terrains
Yuxiang Yang, Guanya Shi, Changyi Lin, Xiangyun Meng, Rosario Scalise, Mateo
Guaman Castro, Wenhao Yu, Tingnan Zhang, Ding Zhao, Jie Tan, Byron Boots
Under Review
paper | website | video | code | X
LocoMan: Advancing Versatile Quadrupedal Dexterity with Lightweight

Changyi Lin, Xingyu Liu, Yuxiang Yang, Yaru Niu, Wenhao Yu, Tingnan Zhang,
Jie Tan, Byron Boots, and Ding Zhao
IROS 2024
paper | website | video | hardware & code | X |
media(IEEE Spectrum, TechXplore, CMU Engineering News)
ArrayBot: Reinforcement Learning for Generalizable Distributed Manipulation through Touch
Zhengrong Xue*, Han Zhang*, Jingwen Cheng, Zhengmao He, Yuanchen Ju,
Changyi Lin, Gu Zhang, and Huazhe Xu
ICRA 2024
paper | website | video | code | X
9DTact: A Compact Vision-Based Tactile Sensor for Accurate 3D Shape Reconstruction and Generalizable 6D Force Estimation
Changyi Lin, Han Zhang, Jikai Xu, Lei Wu, and Huazhe Xu
RAL & ICRA 2024
paper | website | video | hardware & code | dataset | X | tutorial-en | tutorial-cn
DTact: A Vision-Based Tactile Sensor that Measures High-Resolution 3D Geometry Directly from Darkness
Changyi Lin, Ziqi Lin, Shaoxiong Wang, and Huazhe Xu
ICRA 2023
paper | website | video | hardware & code | X | media(Technology)


Generalizable BeamWalking for Legged Robots with Reinforcement Learning
Course Project for Intro to Robot Learning(16-831 by Deepak Pathak)
Techniques: Reinforcement Learning, Curriculum Learning, Computer Vision
RobotMaster Robotics Competition
Engineer Robot 2019, Dart System 2020, SLAM System 2021
Techniques: Mechanical Design, Control, SLAM, Computer Vision


Academic Services

  • Conference Reviewer: ICRA, IROS, Humanoids
  • Journal Reviewer: RAL

Template from Jon Barron's website.